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Agenda 16 results

IOT SOLUTIONS WORLD CONGRESS Regulations and Standards

Applying the 62443 Standard Series in Securing Industrial Automation Systems in Response to Current and Pending Regulations

13:35:00 14:35:00 Europe/Madrid Applying the 62443 Standard Series in Securing Industrial Automation Systems in Response to Current and Pending Regulations Every sector is unique and cyber security strategy might be different. During the panel for Utilizing the 62443 Standard Series for Secured Systems, we will try to address the holistic approach that Industrial cybersecurity requires and how existing standars can give us the necessary help to understand how to start and how to mature our strategy. Room 3
13:35:00h - 14:35:00h Room 3
IOT SOLUTIONS WORLD CONGRESS Climate Change and Sustainability

The Role of Hydrogen in the Energy Transition

14:05:00 14:35:00 Europe/Madrid The Role of Hydrogen in the Energy Transition The use of hydrogen in industrial processes, mobility and agro-industry is one of the bases for decarbonizing processes in pursuit of sustainability goals in this energy transition. The main routes for obtaining low-carbon hydrogen, costs and main applications will be presented. In addition, the role of IoT throughout the hydrogen production and use chain will be explored. Room 2
14:05:00h - 14:35:00h Room 2
IOT SOLUTIONS WORLD CONGRESS Climate Change and Sustainability

Setting the Scene for New Technologies

13:35:00 14:05:00 Europe/Madrid Setting the Scene for New Technologies New technologies are constantly emerging and transforming the way we live, work, and communicate. From artificial intelligence to blockchain, from biotechnology to nanotechnology, these innovations offer new possibilities and opportunities for various sectors and domains. However, they also pose significant challenges and risks, such as ethical, legal, social, and environmental implications, as well as cybersecurity and data privacy issues. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the current trends and challenges in the digital landscape, and to explore how we can set the scene for a responsible and sustainable development of new technologies. To set the scene for a responsible and sustainable development of new technologies, we need to understand the current trends and challenges in the digital landscape, and to engage in a multi-stakeholder dialogue and collaboration to address the ethical, legal, social, and environmental implications of new technologies. Room 2
13:35:00h - 14:05:00h Room 2
IOT SOLUTIONS WORLD CONGRESS Climate Change and Sustainability

IMAGINEXT: Project, SaaS that Combines Real-Time Pollution and Traffic Informaiton to Learn How Mobility Strategies Impact Air Quality

14:05:00 14:35:00 Europe/Madrid IMAGINEXT: Project, SaaS that Combines Real-Time Pollution and Traffic Informaiton to Learn How Mobility Strategies Impact Air Quality The IMAGINEXT project focused on developing a SaaS solution to monitor mobility pollutant indicators and traffic conditions. Historic data was AI-processed to predict different pollution scenarios, in an open-standards innovative tool which serves as a basis for policy-making regarding mobility. The main objective of the project was to advance in the path towards decarbonization of cities through the implementation of previously validated mobility strategies. Two pilot tests took place in 2023, one in the city of Cartagena (Spain) and the other in the town of Lindau (Germany), which have different sizes and mobility patterns as well as mobility plans at different stages of implementation. Afterwards, each of them amended their already defined pollution targets and refined future mobility measures in line with the data collected and analysed during the pilots. Room 2
14:05:00h - 14:35:00h Room 2
IOT SOLUTIONS WORLD CONGRESS Climate Change and Sustainability

The Future is Now – Sustainable Automation as a Catalyst for Climate Action

13:50:00 14:20:00 Europe/Madrid The Future is Now – Sustainable Automation as a Catalyst for Climate Action We are at a crucial point where industrial automation intersects with the need for environmental sustainability. The manufacturing sector plays a key role in global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, accounting for 24% of the total. While energy-efficient measures have been implemented, the current climate crisis demands accelerated efforts. It is time to act now. "The Future is Now – Sustainable Automation as a Catalyst for Climate Action" highlights industrial automation's crucial role in promoting environmental stewardship, economic growth, and social responsibility. This session will explore: ▪ How automation technologies improve operational efficiency and optimize energy usage while enabling eco-friendly manufacturing practices. ▪ How to overcome technological limitations and financial constraints and harness opportunities such as emerging technologies, policy support, and government initiatives. ▪ A look toward the future, predicting trends in sustainable technologies, preparing for Industry 5.0. Room 2
13:50:00h - 14:20:00h Room 2
IOT SOLUTIONS WORLD CONGRESS Climate Change and Sustainability

Sustainable Industries Through Automation and Digitalization

16:30:00 17:00:00 Europe/Madrid Sustainable Industries Through Automation and Digitalization Right now companies worldwide are challenged to change their processes quickly in order to contribute to the United Nations challenges on sustainability. This is a social obligation and towards our planet. In a context of Energy Transition in which we will still need fossil fuels while we move to a model supported by renewable energies, this implies great pressure on companies, particularly for the segments of energy, chemical and Oil & Gas companies. The only alternative is to be more efficient and this is where automation and digitization become the keys to meeting these challenges. The bases of this transformation go through changing business paradigms, moving to companies where management is integrated (process + energy), in a world where the data is in the Cloud, in a design conception of plants for their optimized operation and in global management of company sites. In this presentation we will share these concepts and real costumer examples. Room 2
16:30:00h - 17:00:00h Room 2

Speakers 153 results

Jose de la Cruz

Jose de la Cruz

Technical Director | TrendMicro Iberia

Jaume Baró

Jaume Baró

Executive Director of Entrepreneurship and Business | Barcelona Activa

Oriol Sans i Ballart

Oriol Sans i Ballart

Senior Startups Manager | ACCIÓ

Kevin Duffy

Kevin Duffy

CEO | Maritime Imperative

Sean Plankey

Sean Plankey

Commercial Director, Cybersecurity | Willis Towers Watson

Bartek Ziolkowski

Bartek Ziolkowski

Co-Founder & CEO | CDeX (Cyber Defence eXercise Platform)

Alessio Gerbaldi

Alessio Gerbaldi

Head of Research and Innovation | Cyber 4.0 - Cybersecurity Competence Center

Marina Nogales

Marina Nogales

Director of Cyber Threat Intelligence | Unilever

Thomas Krueger

Thomas Krueger

Team Lead and Lead Developer - Human-Robot Interaction Lab | European Space Agency

Roger Costa

Roger Costa

Direcció General d’Indústria | Generalitat de Catalunya, Departament d'Empresa i Treball

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Posts 176 results

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Pages 164 results

limited offer

DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGIES FOR INDUSTRY CHALLENGES You can make a difference at the IOT Solutions World Congress. We bring you an exclusive discount available only until 1st of March! Secure your ticket now to be a part of the global leading event in digital transformation and disruptive technologies. Don’t miss out…


Section la vanguardia Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus,…


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Let’s prevent fraud

Let’s prevent fraud FIRA BARCELONA and its events do not offer lists, information and/or related data to its visitors Dear Customer, In the last few months we have noticed a considerable increase in emails received offering lists of visitors to the events organised by FIRA BARCELONA. This institution wishes to inform…


CONTACT CONTACT US MEET THE TEAM INTERNATIONAL DELEGATIONS Do you need more information? We are sure to find the best option for you. Fill in this form and we will contact you to give you more details and accompany you. Meet the team…


TICKETS& PRICES Don’t miss the opportunity to join the new #IOTWC24, an event that will showcase game-changing solutions & technologies that are disrupting and transforming industry. GET YOUR TICKET Passes & prices Don’t miss the opportunity to join the new #IOTWC23, an event event that will…


VISITOR PROFILE We are the leading global event to showcase the groundbreaking solutions & technologies that are transforming and disrupting industry. A unique event that brings together all the major players actively pursuing new ecosystem strategies – to face new challenges such as climate change, tech-enabled transformation, regulations and standards and security…

Visitor Profile

VISITOR PROFILE We are the leading global event to showcase the game-changing solutions & technologies that are transforming and disrupting industry. A unique event that brings together all the major players actively pursuing new ecosystem strategies – to leverage the sharing of data, applications, operations, and expertise.

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Press Releases 72 results


El laboratori The Thinx 5G Barcelona incorpora a Fira de Barcelona com a soci i es trasllada a l’edifici de Telefónica per créixer en ‘blockchain’ i 5G NSA

La nova seu de The Thinx 5G Barcelona, que trasllada les seves instal·lacions a un nou i millorat espai a l’edifici de Telefónica, seu corporativa de la companyia a la ciutat, s'ha inaugurat avui. L'acte de presentació ha reunit representants de les entitats involucrades en aquesta iniciativa: Telefónica, Mobile World Capital Barcelona (MWCapital), Generalitat de Catalunya, Ajuntament de Barcelona, IOT Solutions World Congress - Fira de Barcelona, Fundació i2CAT i Cambra de Comerç de Lleida.


El laboratorio The Thinx 5G Barcelona incorpora a Fira de Barcelona como socio y se traslada al edificio de Telefónica para crecer en ‘blockchain’ y 5G NSA

La nueva sede de The Thinx 5G Barcelona, que traslada sus instalaciones a un nuevo y mejorado espacio en el edificio de Telefónica, sede corporativa de la compañía en la ciudad, se ha inaugurado hoy. El acto de presentación ha reunido a representantes de las entidades involucradas en esta iniciativa: Telefónica, Mobile World Capital Barcelona (MWCapital), Generalitat de Catalunya, Ajuntament de Barcelona, IOT Solutions World Congress - Fira de Barcelona, Fundación i2CAT y Cambra de Comerç de Lleida.


IOT Solutions World Congress tendrá una Testbed Area con ejemplos reales de soluciones disruptivas

Un frigorífico inteligente que utiliza cámaras de IA para reducir el desperdicio de alimentos y aplicar precios dinámicos, un servicio de digital twins diseñado para implementar un servicio de pago por uso en el sector de la Construcción, y un sistema inteligente de conservación del patrimonio capaz de anticipar las necesidades de mantenimiento de los bienes a través de la realidad virtual y la monitorización remota. Éstos son algunos de los proyectos presentados en el Testbed Area de IOT Solutions World Congress (IOTSWC). Celebrado en el recinto de Gran Via de Fira de Barcelona del 10 al 12 de mayo, el evento mostrará 10 bancos de pruebas que demuestran cómo el IoT reconfigurará la economía mundial.


IOT Solutions World Congress will feature a Testbed Area with real examples of disruptive solutions

A smart refrigerator that uses AI cameras to reduce food waste and apply dynamic pricing, a digital twin service designed to implement a pay-per-use service for the Construction industry, and an intelligent heritage conservation system capable of anticipating asset maintenance needs through virtual reality and remote monitoring. These are some of the projects featured at the IOT Solutions World Congress (IOTSWC) Testbed Area. Held at Fira de Barcelona’s Gran Via venue from May 10 to 12, the event will display 10 testbeds showing how the IoT will reshape the global economy.

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Pedro Mier

Pedro Mier holds a degree in Telecommunications Engineer ing from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, MBA from ESADE and PADE from IESE. He is currently President of AMETIC (Association of Electronics, Information Technology and Telecommunications Companies of Spain), Shareholder and Chairman of the Board of Directors of TRYO Aerospace & Electronics, Board Member of the Premo Group and Committee of CTTC. member of Space Angels Network and Member of the Sc ientific Advisory
