
Track: Tech-enabled Transformation

Tue 21

Thriving in the Era of Industry 4.0

Jeff Winter
Jeff Winter Hitachi Solutions America Sr. Director Industry Strategy for Manufacturing Speaker

#Business Strategy, #Data Analytics, #Industry 4.0, #Innovation, #Manufacturing

21-05-2024 13:50 21-05-2024 14:20 Europe/Madrid Thriving in the Era of Industry 4.0 Transforming Manufacturing with Industry 4.0 Jeff Winter explores how manufacturers can thrive in the era of industry 4.0 by capturing and harnessing the power of data to unlock innovation and deliver new revenue streams. Jeff explains how this can be done and highlights the companies who are doing it best. Room 1
13:50h - 14:20h Room 1

How Emerging Technologies are Driving Innovation for Customers

Mark Kraeling
Mark Kraeling GE Transportation Solutions Architect Speaker
Elisa Rönkä
Elisa Rönkä Siemens Smart Infrastructure Global Head of SaaS Sales, Digital Buildings Speaker
Lucy Han
Lucy Han ABB Electrification Head of Global Product Group Building and Home Automation Solutions Speaker
Madhu Pai
Madhu Pai Amazon Web Services Global Partner Technical Lead for Manufacturing Speaker

#5G, #AI, #Environmental, #Innovation, #IoT

21-05-2024 14:20 21-05-2024 14:50 Europe/Madrid How Emerging Technologies are Driving Innovation for Customers The Internet of Things technology space has developed a lot of innovation over the past few years. From battery-powered devices with lower processing capability through AI algorithms at the edge, a multitude of solutions have been developed. This panel discussion includes leaders from technology companies, discussing how this innovation specifically provides solutions and positive outcomes for customers. The discussion will include AI, 5G-enabled technology, and devices that specifically have improved safety, security, environmental factors, and efficiency. Join our panel of technology leaders for an unscripted, honest discussion and see how the discussion evolves! Room 1
14:20h - 14:50h Room 1

Volvo Smart Connected Factory

Julien Bertolini
Julien Bertolini Volvo Group IoT expert Speaker

#Buildings, #Construction, #IoT, #Smart Cities, #Supply Chain

21-05-2024 14:50 21-05-2024 15:20 Europe/Madrid Volvo Smart Connected Factory In this session, an IoT expert will describe the "Volvo IoT journey" ... or how an Industrial group starts on working use-case by use-case to finally build a cutting-edge application to help connecting all factories. With this new tool, any shop-floor user is able to connect any industrial equipment and visualize the data in a modern UI. In this sharing session, you will understand how to implement large-scale Industrial IoT. Room 1
14:50h - 15:20h Room 1
Wed 22

Drone Tech

Andrés Halac
Andrés Halac Uali Country Manager Spain Speaker
Alfredo Serret
Alfredo Serret Telefónica Tech GM, Internet of Things Speaker

#5G, #Aerospace, #Environmental, #Smart Cities, #Transportation

22-05-2024 13:35 22-05-2024 14:05 Europe/Madrid Drone Tech 5G connectivity is critical for the development of drones’ ecosystem. 5G connectivity is the enabler of this new ecosystem leveraging new capabilities that brings as low latency, high bandwidth, and network slicing features. During this panel, it would be shared different use cases: - How Telefónica applies connectivity in the use of drones, and on which use cases it favors their use, what are the benefits of these uses and what does this type of connectivity provide as a differential value compared to others. - How Telefonica and Uali are working on this field in different projects and many use cases from logistics to mobility or off-shore wind turbines, benefits for the clients and next steps. Room 1
13:35h - 14:05h Room 1

AI and IoT: The Blending of Two Technologies

Mark Kraeling
Mark Kraeling GE Transportation Solutions Architect Speaker
Jeff Winter
Jeff Winter Hitachi Solutions America Sr. Director Industry Strategy for Manufacturing Speaker

#AI, #Machine Learning

22-05-2024 14:35 22-05-2024 15:05 Europe/Madrid AI and IoT: The Blending of Two Technologies This fireside chat delves into the compelling convergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT), a fusion known as AIoT. We will discuss the motivations for their integration, the transformative effects on various sectors, and strategies for harnessing this synergy. Our experts will explain how AI boosts IoT with smarter data analysis and decision-making, and how IoT enriches AI with robust, real-time data streams. Discover how to capitalize on AIoT for enhanced innovation and operational efficiency in this enlightening session. Room 1
14:35h - 15:05h Room 1

LPLAN, LoRaWAN’s Second Wave

Wienke Giezeman
Wienke Giezeman The Things Industries Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder Speaker

#Business Strategy, #IoT, #Lpwan

22-05-2024 15:15 22-05-2024 15:45 Europe/Madrid LPLAN, LoRaWAN’s Second Wave LoRaWAN has seen several phases in its search for adoption. From placing itself as a competitor to Sigfox and NB-IoT to even enabling cryptocurrency driven IoT networks. Yet the true traction comes from private local area networks. Something we like to call LPLAN, a variant on the known term LPWAN. It stands for low power local area networks where the network is embedded into the solution and therefore it can drive much more value. This talk will run you through the endless business cases that are supported by LoRaWAN around the world. Use cases that even seasoned IoT experts like us amaze us every day. Room 1
15:15h - 15:45h Room 1

5G Impacts on Technology

Greig Paul
Greig Paul University of Strathclyde Research Engineer Speaker
Amir Gomroki
Amir Gomroki Ericsson Research Head of 5G North America Speaker
Alex Besen
Alex Besen The Besen Group LLC Founder & CEO Speaker
Andrew Conway
Andrew Conway Boldyn Networks Group Director, Technology Strategy Speaker


22-05-2024 15:45 22-05-2024 16:15 Europe/Madrid 5G Impacts on Technology 5G technology is revolutionizing the way we live and work, with its unprecedented speed, capacity, and low latency. But what are the broader impacts of 5G on technology as a whole? This panel discussion brings together experts from across the industry to explore the transformative effects of 5G on various sectors, including industrial automation, healthcare, transportation, and more. We'll explore the benefits and challenges of 5G deployment and examine the security implications of this new technology. Join us for an engaging conversation on how 5G is reshaping the technological landscape and what it means for the future of innovation. Room 1
15:45h - 16:15h Room 1

Embracing the Future: The Impact of AI and IoT on Healthcare

Sunil Dadlani
Sunil Dadlani Atlantic Health System Executive Vice President, Chief Information & Digital Officer & Chief Cybersecurity Officer Speaker

#AI, #Ethics, #Healthcare, #IoT, #Machine Learning

22-05-2024 16:15 22-05-2024 16:45 Europe/Madrid Embracing the Future: The Impact of AI and IoT on Healthcare This abstract delves into the transformative influence of the convergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) in the healthcare sector. The synergy between AI and IoT technologies promises to reshape healthcare delivery, fostering personalized care, precise diagnostics, and streamlined operations. By seamlessly integrating AI and IoT, healthcare providers can harness extensive patient data for tailored treatments, efficient resource allocation, and a more enriching patient journey. However, while these advancements hold immense promise, addressing ethical, privacy, and security concerns is imperative to ensure responsible and secure implementation. This abstract offers a glimpse into the potential of AI and IoT to revolutionize healthcare, emphasizing the need for healthcare stakeholders to embrace these innovations to create a more efficient and patient-centered future. Room 1
16:15h - 16:45h Room 1
Thu 23

Lessons from Outer Space: What the ESA Interplanetary Rover Can Teach Us About Teleoperations For Autonomous Vehicles

Stan Schneider
Stan Schneider Real-Time Innovations (RTI) Chief Executive Officer Speaker
Thomas Krueger
Thomas Krueger European Space Agency Team Lead and Lead Developer - Human-Robot Interaction Lab Speaker

#Aerospace, #Autonomous Vehicles, #Robotics, #Transportation

23-05-2024 13:35 23-05-2024 14:05 Europe/Madrid Lessons from Outer Space: What the ESA Interplanetary Rover Can Teach Us About Teleoperations For Autonomous Vehicles Teleoperation can speed deployment of autonomous vehicles by decades. In low-speed urban settings, unexpected situations that stop the cars is the key blocker to wider use. While new to our roads, robotics applications have used remote guidance for many years. They offer lessons in communications, direction, and user interfaces.This session will demonstrate an autonomous robot that uses human guidance to operate at great distances. It will feature a live demonstration from the IoTSWC stage controlling a vehicle at the European Space Agency lab in Brussels. Room 1
13:35h - 14:05h Room 1

The Impact of Generative AI in Industry

Madhu Pai
Madhu Pai Amazon Web Services Global Partner Technical Lead for Manufacturing Speaker
Seth Walker
Seth Walker Carrier Head of AI Speaker
Jens Boonen
Jens Boonen Storm Reply Managing Director Speaker

#AI, #Business Strategy

23-05-2024 14:05 23-05-2024 14:35 Europe/Madrid The Impact of Generative AI in Industry With generative AI poised to transform industry, industrial companies are eager to learn how this technology will impact their business and how they can leverage it to deliver increased business value. Join us for a panel discussion with eminent industry experts as we dive into the state of the technology, highest priority use cases that are delivering business value, and how industries can identify opportunities and overcome challenges as they embrace generative AI to gain competitive advantage. Room 1
14:05h - 14:35h Room 1

Pedro Mier

Pedro Mier holds a degree in Telecommunications Engineer ing from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, MBA from ESADE and PADE from IESE. He is currently President of AMETIC (Association of Electronics, Information Technology and Telecommunications Companies of Spain), Shareholder and Chairman of the Board of Directors of TRYO Aerospace & Electronics, Board Member of the Premo Group and Committee of CTTC. member of Space Angels Network and Member of the Sc ientific Advisory
