
Track: Robust Security Measures

Tue 21

Quantum Computing and Understanding Crypto BoMs

David Dickson
David Dickson sinektik CEO and Managing Director Speaker


21-05-2024 17:00 21-05-2024 17:30 Europe/Madrid Quantum Computing and Understanding Crypto BoMs Quantum physics often appears in Hollywood as simplified and fantastical, far from its reality as a deeply challenging scientific, technological, and human endeavour. My presentation aims to ground the reality of quantum physics, showcasing quantum computing— its greatest invention—and its potential to solve problems beyond traditional computing’s reach. As we enter its 'era of utility,' acknowledging the complexities it brings is crucial. And, as good engineers know, solving one hard problem often creates another. And so, our growing reliance on data and the rise of AI heighten our vulnerability to cyberattacks. These risks grow exponentially with the algorithmic power of quantum computing, potentially leading to an existential crisis if not managed proactively. Implementing a Post-Quantum Cryptographic Bill of Materials is essential, enabling resilient data security and safe and ethical quantum and binary computing application. Let’s act now to mitigate these threats and harness quantum computing for humanity's betterment. Cybersecurity Congress room
17:00h - 17:30h Cybersecurity Congress room
Wed 22

Cloud Adoption and Edge Computing

Peter Jackson
Peter Jackson SGS ECL Engineering Manager - Cyber Speaker

22-05-2024 15:15 22-05-2024 15:45 Europe/Madrid Cloud Adoption and Edge Computing Cloud adoption and edge computing are two of the most significant trends shaping the future of technology. This session will explore the latest developments in these areas and their implications for businesses and consumers. We'll discuss how cloud computing is enabling new levels of scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency, while edge computing is bringing processing power closer to the source of data, enabling real-time insights and actions. Join us for an engaging conversation on how these technologies are transforming industries and creating new opportunities for innovation. Cybersecurity Congress room
15:15h - 15:45h Cybersecurity Congress room

Pedro Mier

Pedro Mier holds a degree in Telecommunications Engineer ing from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, MBA from ESADE and PADE from IESE. He is currently President of AMETIC (Association of Electronics, Information Technology and Telecommunications Companies of Spain), Shareholder and Chairman of the Board of Directors of TRYO Aerospace & Electronics, Board Member of the Premo Group and Committee of CTTC. member of Space Angels Network and Member of the Sc ientific Advisory
