
Stefano Ciminelli

Managing Director, Security EMEA | Accenture
Stefano Ciminelli



ChatGPT Backup Using AI to Combat Threats

Stefano Ciminelli
Stefano Ciminelli Accenture Managing Director, Security EMEA Speaker

22-05-2024 12:20 22-05-2024 12:50 Europe/Madrid ChatGPT Backup Using AI to Combat Threats As AI technology continues to advance, so do the potential threats it poses to individuals and organizations. One of the most promising applications of AI is in the field of cybersecurity, where it can be used to detect and prevent attacks. In this session, we'll explore how AI-powered solutions like ChatGPT Backup can be used to combat threats and enhance security. We'll discuss the benefits and challenges of using AI in cybersecurity, and examine real-world use cases of AI-powered threat detection and prevention. Join us for a cutting-edge conversation on the intersection of AI and cybersecurity, and how it can help us stay one step ahead of cybercriminals. Cybersecurity Congress room
Wed 22 12:20h - 12:50h Cybersecurity Congress room

Pedro Mier

Pedro Mier holds a degree in Telecommunications Engineer ing from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, MBA from ESADE and PADE from IESE. He is currently President of AMETIC (Association of Electronics, Information Technology and Telecommunications Companies of Spain), Shareholder and Chairman of the Board of Directors of TRYO Aerospace & Electronics, Board Member of the Premo Group and Committee of CTTC. member of Space Angels Network and Member of the Sc ientific Advisory
