
Agustin Valencia Gil-Ortega

OT/ICS/xIoT Cyber Security Business Development | Fortinet Madrid, Spain
Agustin Valencia Gil-Ortega


Agustin Valencia, 20 years experience in energy with global vision of processes, technology, risks, regulatory evolution. Now OT Security Business Development for Fortinet supporting secure digital transformations within utilities, manufacturing, logistics or mobility, from ICS/OT to IoT and cloud. Chair of ISA Spain Cybersecurity WG, member of Cyber Resilience in electricity” WG by World Economic Forum and member of CCI experts.



Applying the 62443 Standard Series in Securing Industrial Automation Systems in Response to Current and Pending Regulations

Gabriel Faifman
Gabriel Faifman Schneider Electric Director, Product Security Standardization & Governance Speaker
Agustin Valencia Gil-Ortega
Agustin Valencia Gil-Ortega Fortinet OT/ICS/xIoT Cyber Security Business Development Speaker
Camilo Gomez
Camilo Gomez Yokogawa Global Cybersecurity Strategist Speaker
Juan Caubet
Juan Caubet Eurecat Director of IT&OT Security Unit Speaker
Adam Gauci
Adam Gauci Schneider Electric Director of Cybersecurity Marketing for the Energy Managment Business Speaker


22-05-2024 13:35 22-05-2024 14:35 Europe/Madrid Applying the 62443 Standard Series in Securing Industrial Automation Systems in Response to Current and Pending Regulations Every sector is unique and cyber security strategy might be different. During the panel for Utilizing the 62443 Standard Series for Secured Systems, we will try to address the holistic approach that Industrial cybersecurity requires and how existing standars can give us the necessary help to understand how to start and how to mature our strategy. Room 3
Wed 22 13:35h - 14:35h Room 3

Regional Approach to Employee Readiness for Cybersecurity

Tomàs Roy
Tomàs Roy Cybersecurity Agency of Catalonia Director Speaker
Björn Schemberger
Björn Schemberger Cybersecurity Agency Baden-Württemberg Acting President Speaker
Patricia Biernacki
Patricia Biernacki Cybersecurity Agency Baden-Württemberg Awareness Consultant Speaker
Alessio Gerbaldi
Alessio Gerbaldi Cyber 4.0 - Cybersecurity Competence Center Head of Research and Innovation Speaker
Agustin Valencia Gil-Ortega
Agustin Valencia Gil-Ortega Fortinet OT/ICS/xIoT Cyber Security Business Development Speaker

#Threat Intelligence

21-05-2024 15:30 21-05-2024 16:00 Europe/Madrid Regional Approach to Employee Readiness for Cybersecurity As cybersecurity threats become increasingly sophisticated and widespread, it's essential that employees are prepared to recognize and respond to them. This panel discussion brings together experts from across Europe to explore the unique challenges and opportunities of employee cybersecurity readiness in the region. We'll discuss the importance of training and awareness programs, the role of organizational culture, and the impact of regional regulations and policies. Join us for a thought-provoking conversation on how European organizations can work together to foster a culture of cybersecurity readiness and protect against ever-evolving threats. Cybersecurity Congress room
Tue 21 15:30h - 16:00h Cybersecurity Congress room

Pedro Mier

Pedro Mier holds a degree in Telecommunications Engineer ing from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, MBA from ESADE and PADE from IESE. He is currently President of AMETIC (Association of Electronics, Information Technology and Telecommunications Companies of Spain), Shareholder and Chairman of the Board of Directors of TRYO Aerospace & Electronics, Board Member of the Premo Group and Committee of CTTC. member of Space Angels Network and Member of the Sc ientific Advisory
